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Hey All,

I am wondering if anyone needs a permanant partner for the upcoming season. I dont have a boat, and would be relying on the partner to provide. I would like to fish tournaments regularly, would definetly chip in half of everything as far as costs go. So if anyone out there is looking for a permanant person to fish with over the summer. Let me know. I've only fished a cuple of tournaments before (Fishers of Men, and club tournaments) but I know what I am doing and believe I can win. Let me know. I can also provide discounts on fishing gear to a partner!!


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What i think you should do is fish the BASS weekend or BFL series as a co-angler. You can do so much with them, like go to nationals, win boats, and win MONEY!!! You will also learn alot to, so when you do get your boat you will be 100% ready. You will fish with different ppl every tournament so you will get to know alot of the guys. Its fun i have done it and learned alot, but still got to fish in tournaments!!!

There is also BASS clubs you can join, Hella Bass on here has opening i belive??

OH Yea, How can you get deal, im always looking for DEALS!!!

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