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ATV Safty Class


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Our club did our fisrt class of the year today and there was around thiry great kids attending. A couple of the kids had been throgh the class before but on 90 or smaller machines and came back to do it on a larger machine. We told them they could just do the ridding part but they wanted to set through the whole class again to help clear up some quistions they had. Another thing that impressed me was how meny of the parents also sat through the class with their kids. Judging from the comments afterwards a lot of the parents learned as much as the kids about the atv regs. and the things involved with getting trails on the ground. As always the CO and Debuty Sherrif did a teriffic job of explaining regs. and the do's and don't. Then spent all the time both kids and adults wanted answering quistions.

Just thought I would report somthing posative for atving.

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