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Bedding Question


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I have a 2 year old Chocolate Lab who I keep outside at all times of the year. I keep a pillow in her kennel to lay on, but she seems to pick up a terrible dog odor only a week or two after a bath. I was wondering what else I could use in her kennel to keep her warm in the winter and maybe make her smell better. woodchips or straw?? any advice would be a help. thanks

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Try Cedar Chips for the a good smell and use straw for the insulation. The hallow straw makes great insulation, but the smell of straw lingers on the dogs without mixing in the cedar chips to equal out the smell. The great thing about straw and cedar is when spring comes just shovel it out and throw in on the compost pile. I switch to just cedar once the cold is out of the forcast. I've been told the cedar is too strong for flea and ticks, but I wouldn't count on that for a defense alone.

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