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Holtzinger Kennels


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I took my lab there for her introduction to birds and guns. I would recomend them, Maggie returned a hunting fanatic. Even the Canary was not safe. Luckily the Canary's cage is pretty strong.

If you go with their Intro. to Birds and Gun program do not expect anything other than the desire to hunt birds.

I did not use Holtzinger for the rest of Maggie's training so I am not much help there.

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I have my lab there right now. She just finished bird & gun intro 2 weeks ago, and is doing the obedience training right now. I was AMAZED when I went to see her the first time after 2 weeks. Terry & Laura are great to work with. If you have any questions email me at jessenp2002 at yahoo (Contact US Regarding This Word).

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