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Interesting day

Mr. B

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Maggie and I had an interesting day at a presevre today. Went with a friend who wanted to get his young lab on some birds.

It was very interesting to watch his lab figuring out what was going on. Even though it has only been two years since I was in the same place with Maggie I had forgotten how interesting the process was.

Maybe the most interesting thing was seeing how much progress Maggie has actually made. Still lots of work to be done but man is it fun. From the first stage of just running through a field having fun to it is all business now.

This was the first time that Maggie had hunted with a dog that was not as exprienced as she was. I was a little nervous that she might be distracted by the younger dog. Boy was I wrong all she wanted to do was find birds. Maggie was even a little protective of her birds (very unlike her she is the most submissive dog I know). She flushed one and then as she brought it to me when the other dog came up to sniff it Maggie just kept turning away from it not letting her.

The best part is I finally figured out what will tire Maggie out. Hunting four out of five days did it. She was all keyed up the entire day until the drive home. She has been zonked out since 6 pm. Only waking to sneeze (see sneezing lab thread) and eat.

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