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Saw what is supposedly the worst thing possible for a new pointer.

Hit a woods up north where I'd gotten into 20-30 timberdoodles and 5-6 grouse (amazing what that'll do for a new dog - I may not be a world-class trainer, but wow are they good at it). tongue.gif

Was in an area that I'd flushed the most doodles and 2 of the grouse but this time I didn't kick up a single bird for the first 1/2 hour. Had just decided it was time for a new spot so when I changed direction she adjusted and came in towards me (she likes to come right by me whenever we do a major direction change yet). She hadn't covered this chunk yet and was heading with the wind. She got about 10' away and just locked. I kind of laughed for a second thinking she was maybe smelling the game pouch, but quickly realized something else was up. Whoa'd her and started to move around her thinking that even though she locked facing me the bird must be upwind (over her right shoulder) when I see her eyes focus right in front of her nose. Now I'm locked up to. ooo.gif

Woodcock literally flew straight into her crazy.gif- she moved her mouth about 6" and that was that! Two reactions - "oh no!" and "holy sh!#(short for smokes), did you see that". She looked up at me with some pretty confused eyes which then turned to... pride. "oh no!". She brought it straight to me and I bagged it without making anything out of it.

Didn't seem to be a big deal since she locked out on two grouse afterwards pretty nicely. She still breaks on the flush (started out the season with her flash pointing, but since getting into some birds she's steadied up her point a bit).

Anyone else had this happen with a new dog and in your opinion how much harm could it end up doing?

After crating her in the vehicle I pulled that little buggar out, looked him straight in his beady little eye and told im "you only had one job to do here in this and that's STAY OUT OF THE DOG'S MOUTH". mad.gif Not to mention that when "in range" it's odds of getting away are way better against my skill with the 20g than the dog's agility. confused.gif

Gonna feel a bit guilty bragging about the great shot I made on that one, but gotta keep up the macho image grin.gifsmirk.gif

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forget to mention - the birds I've dropped over her this fall she's retrieved and hasn't seemed to be to "hardmouthed" on them. On this one, I didn't see her chomp or anything but it was really just a blur. I'd like to think that the thing died of a stroke crazy.gif, but scared she's gonna be prone to crunching them from now on.

There weren't any puncture wounds or bruising on the bird.

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What a great thing to see. My GSP is 6 now and her name is Reno, I wish I had named her MACHINE. I just ended 7 days of guideing, and had a total of 107 grouse flushes and 172 woodcock flushes (279 flushes combined) not all with Reno, but I'd say half of them were.

Can you find the doodle? [image]Renodoodle.jpg[/image]



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Don't know if it's my screen or eyes, but... nope. Thought it was a smidge lower than the back leg and on the left side of the trail (just to left of where she's looking), but can't tell for sure. Was hoping to see an eye or something, think they typically tuck those goofy bills up tight to the body so that wouldn't stand out.

279 flushes in a week!!!! ooo.gif Think you've got my personal record beat by a few! smirk.gif That's incredible Kev.

You GUIDE for grouse... dang there I go drooling on myself again. Gotta feelin I'm not alone tongue.gif

May not help that I just got done checking out a site for forestry guys that shows age/size classes of trees, etc. Little bobber/screen stare at the moment. grin.gif

Best of luck - think it's way to cool that someone gets paid to grouse hunt!

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O-kay, Times up.

Look at the bottom center of the pic. you'll see what looks like a piece of birch bark, just up from that and to the left a little there is three blades of grass that point towards the dog. look just above those blades of grass and you'll see a little brown blob with black specks, the bird is faceing the dog, and yes, has its beek tucked in tight.

The middle blade of grass lays right across its back.

I think that bird is half way to Iowa by now, maybe even further. shocked.gif

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