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Trainer/Beeper collar with good features


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Well after a little more digging around, I finally found the collar that has the features I wanted and not the ones I don't.

It is the DT Super Pro Elite model 7300. It has the standard nick/constant plus the baritone beeper with locate feature and the hardest of all to find in a beeper/trainer, it also has the vibrating alert. It is also an FM signal rather than the standard AM. The FM is supposed to be better in heavy cover, water and uneven terrain.

And, more importantly, unlike the model DT SPT 7800 that I had posted about before, this one does not have the no bark feature which I did not want. This feature means that you always have a large spike sticking into the dogs wind pipe. The no bark spike is in the middle of the two training spikes and I would think would not be comfortable for the dog on a long day in the field. Plus, the model 7300 is $100 less than the model 7800.

Just thought I would post this incase others are looking for those same features. This collar is brand new by the way and I found it at Reed's for $449.


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