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Puppy peeing when excited/nervous.


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I've got a 15 week old male Lab pup that pees when he's excited or scared and was wondering if he'll grow out of it or not? Ruger is only my second dog and my first one never did this.

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Ya then and also when he's on the couch with me and I happen to be goofing with him on my chest and I quickly turn him over on his back, for instance. First time greetings always and anytime he gets scared. He's generally a good pup but if I can't trust him to not pee on me he's not going to get the attention my first dog does.

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Time & don't turn him unto his back. (for a couple months)

Let him out the door before you greet him if possible?

Introduce, a lot of new sensory items while you have him outside - make sure you are the goto guy for protection.

Positice reenforcement is very helpful through this.

Oh, and more time!


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