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Potty Training


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Potty training with my first dog was a snap. Now I just got a new puppy and it is not going so well. It is a 9.5 week old cute little Brittany. I believe she understands it is a good thing to go potty outside, but has no concept that it is bad to go inside. We have caught her in the act a few times and scolded her, but it hasnt helped. We let her out every 20 minutes and it is quite possible she pees within 30 seconds or 2 minutes or 5 minutes of letting her back in. Honestly, I dont think she is any better than when we got her at 7 weeks. any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. We want this to be a family dog that lives in the house with us, but our patience is starting to wear thin. We realize it is still a puppy, but shouldnt we be seeing some progress? It is doing fantastic with Sit-Stay-Come and Fetch It and Find It. Heel is going so-so. So I think it is a pretty smart dog. I am about ready to invest in a cork.

Thanks guys.

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I have an 8 month old female black lab that knows she needs to go outside runs to the door and if we don't see her run to the door she just goes. My 6yr old yellow lab will come and get me when he has to go. She just goes straight to the door. If nobody comes - there's the puddle. How can I get her to let me know when she has to go.

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Putting a bell on the door worked great for my Brittany pup when he was young. He just rings the bell when he has to go outside, so there is no worrying about the dog just sitting at the door. He will jump up and ring the bell until someone takes him out. First week we had him he had a few accidents, not a single one since then. He is 11 months old now and still rings the bell when its time to go out potty. I can't wait to get him hunting in the next few months.

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