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Lots 'O' guns


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I have a question about training a retriever for actual duck hunting situations. Specifically, how do you train a dog to deal with all the shooting that goes on in the boat when a flock of bills comes sailing into the dekes? My little 1 year old Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever just got his working certificate and is used to the one shot, one duck thing. I just don’t want him to freak out when all the bangin is going on. Any ideas?

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Gradually increase the number of shots while throwing bumpers or birds. Start off with two, then three, then emptying your starter pistol on each bird thrown. Add in another guy or two on the line and actually simulate going from a "hunkered" down position to an upright shooting position. Be ready to keep her from breaking. Have them each fire off a couple of rounds. Keep her steady and even throw in a delayed round to simulate the water swat and then give a 5 count before releasing her to fetch. This should be stretched out over a month's time to get to the end of multiple shooters, multiple shots, but she will get there. Just keep working on her steadiness each step of your training.

Good Luck!


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Thank you, that is kinda what I figured but I needed some "expert" help. I have done all my own training and I think I have learned more than the dog! This HSOforum has helped me more times than I can count. Most of the time the best advise has come from Labs4me. Thank you again for all the posts and the quick response. I am just finishing the "force fetch" training and will probably have more questions grin.gif

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