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Bayer Advocate for dogs - replaces both Frontline Plus and Heartgard


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When I started using Heartgard and Frontline years ago, you could buy the Heartgard online from Canada without a prescription. You could always buy Frontline online without a prescription.

Then the vets complained, and the manufacturer Merial Labs made it impossible to buy in North America without a prescription from a vet... so I started buying my dog medicine in Australia... 55% of US prices for Heartgard and Frontline Plus, and no prescriptions required...

Last year Merial stopped selling Heartgard in Australia without a vet prescription. A competitor offered a Heartgard equivalent, using the same critical component (Ivermectin) as in Heartgard, and it worked fine.

This year Bayer offers Advocate... one application per month, identical to the way Frontline is applied, and your dog is protected against fleas and ticks, against heartworms, against intestinal worms, and against sarcoptic mange... Costs in Australia a little less than both Heartgard and Frontline Plus used to cost...

Seems to work well, except that ticks hook onto the dog when she's outside, then apparently sense that they're on a toxic critter, so they drop off when the dog is in the house, and I find them crawling across the wood floor near the dog's rug. Don't recall that happening much in the past few years, but we seem to have a huge number of ticks that just became active in the past week in central MN.

Anyone else sense a huge increase in tick activity this last week?

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I didn't have the pooch out but I was out clearing trails and checking food plots on Monday. I sprayed head to toe with Ultrathon and still had 5 of the little buggers crawling on me when I got back. I had a long sleeve shirt, jeans, and hip boots on and they still managed to get in under my clothes! It is wet up there but they seem to be EVERYWHERE!

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