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anyone lose an e-collar


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Was out in the yard with my springer tonight for a couple hours and when it was time to go in the wife asked where the dogs collar was. We were not doing any training, I just had the collar on because sometimes she likes to run and I don't like her in the neighbors fields. So my question is, has anyone lost just the collar before? Can I just buy a collar or do I have to get everything? Thanks for any help you can provide. It was a sportdog 1200, if that helps any.

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Depending on how big your yard is, i would spend time looking for the collar. Our experience is that they will charge you as much for just the collar, as they will for a whole unit. Of the 5 dfferent collars people have lost at our place, 4 of them have been found with some dilligent searching. Good luck!

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Thanks for the quick responses. I will check into the Collar clinic. My yard is 5 acres so we have some ground to cover. Not giving up quite yet. Have a great Memorial Day.

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