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Getting another GSP???


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Hey everyone,

We have a 1.5 year old female GSP. We are now seriously considering getting a second. A few people we've spoke with said we should get a male. Is this sound advice? Should we wait until the GSP we have is older?

For those of you that have 2+ dogs - Any comments, hints, tricks that worked for you in having two (I.E. feeding, kenneling, etc) ?

Thanks -CF

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We currently have a 13 month old female GSP and a 12 yr old GSP female. Prior to that we had a female and a male for 10+ years. My dogs are hunting dogs & family dogs so they live in the house with us. With the male/female combo they were both alterred/fixed so we had no issues there. Feeding was simple since they were both roughly the same age they ate the same food, never any issues. With the new younger female we have some feeding issues (young dog wants to eat the sr. food, and senior dog wants to eat the young dogs food) There were some minor dominance issues but nothing serious and they worked it out for themselves. I can't imagine not having two anymore.

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