After doing a lot of digging around, I think I've decided on the electronics I'm going to go with on my boat. Reeds currently has the X-85 on sale for only $299. So I feel I can't really go wrong there. I'm going to get that one for my console.
For the bow of the boat I'm leaning towards a Zercom Z 160. Does anyone have any experience with this unit? I can also get this one from Reeds for only $169, regular price of $289. It looks like a solid unit, but I haven't really heard much about it. Does anyone know if I will have to buy a separate transducer for this in order to mount it on my trolling motor? Or can all standard transducers work on your trolling motor? Also, am I risking any interference with these two units if I have them both running at the same time?
We're usually fully stocked but you caught me on a bad night!
Tuesday night is usually "board meeting" night if you know what I mean. Stop in and have a tasty beverage some Tuesday night after these holidays are over and things get back to normal.
After doing a lot of digging around, I think I've decided on the electronics I'm going to go with on my boat. Reeds currently has the X-85 on sale for only $299. So I feel I can't really go wrong there. I'm going to get that one for my console.
For the bow of the boat I'm leaning towards a Zercom Z 160. Does anyone have any experience with this unit? I can also get this one from Reeds for only $169, regular price of $289. It looks like a solid unit, but I haven't really heard much about it. Does anyone know if I will have to buy a separate transducer for this in order to mount it on my trolling motor? Or can all standard transducers work on your trolling motor? Also, am I risking any interference with these two units if I have them both running at the same time?
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