I'm not getting the good solid bottom signal like I was, more like a bunch of lines. I also have to turn the gain up to get a bottom reading at all. At first I thought it was because of a low battery but after charging it up there was no change. I'm thinking maybe the transducer is bad. Any advice would be appreciated.
We're usually fully stocked but you caught me on a bad night!
Tuesday night is usually "board meeting" night if you know what I mean. Stop in and have a tasty beverage some Tuesday night after these holidays are over and things get back to normal.
I'm not getting the good solid bottom signal like I was, more like a bunch of lines. I also have to turn the gain up to get a bottom reading at all. At first I thought it was because of a low battery but after charging it up there was no change. I'm thinking maybe the transducer is bad. Any advice would be appreciated.
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