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Well I did it!!


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Today I pulled the trigger and ordered my new VS 560. It should be here on wed. Can't wait for it to get here, but I can wait until my wife finds out. Anyone have an extra room available? Oh well I haven't said anything about the "4" Coach purses she bought in the past month so I don't think she should have much to say. What is it with women and shoes and purses, I don't get it. I said something about that to my wife and she replied with "how many fishing poles does one person really need". The next day while she was at work I counted up the purses in the closet and it looks like I'll be gettin some new rods also. grin.gif As soon as I get my new toy I'm off to the lake for a little recon on some places that I fish during hardwater. I'll let you guys no how it works.

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Hey varmntguy-

I'm still a single guy so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about but I do know all my friends who used to fish with me can't anymore because of their wives. grin.gifgrin.gif

The purse thing, I don't get it! But then again, I've got 3 Arctic Cat coats that all serve the same purpose but for some reason, I had to have them! So I guess I'm guilty too.

By the way, I'm about to pull the trigger on the VS 560 also. I've been dreaming about this camera for about a year now and I think I'm going to do it. I can't wait!

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She's already got the carry on. confused.gif. Actually I really don't mind she works hard for our money. wink.gif She's a nurse and she usually takes about 25 days of call a month. And she still loves me after 7 years of wedded bliss, I would be lost without her. Hey, I'll be right back I don't think I've told her that one since I bought the Strikemaster auger last year. Let ya know how that flies.

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