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upper red / cookies vs. Morts


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Need some input here on two resorts for this coming winter ice fishing trip to upper red. I have never been to Red before and I am taking a group of 8, (renting one sleeper, and I am pulling my sleeper up as well). I let the group find the resorts. Sounds like they have narrowed it down to Morts and Cookies. I am looking for non-biased feedback on either. You can email me at reteker2002 at yahoo dot com

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I have never been to cookies before. are they new? I was at Morts last year a lot, really good people, stop in and they will give you a map of the ice roads and tell you where to go to catch the fish. Never rented a sleeper from him, but they look really nice from the outside, and i think they move them once a week. They have a HSOforum too but i am not sure i can post that on here, so just google it.

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cookies is new. My friend heard about them from somewhere. So I did a search on "cookies on upper red" and found him on a diff forum. They had 3 new sleepers last year. So that is why I was trying to find out about them.

thanks for your input

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