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Braeden D.

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Hey I'm 14 years old and wondering how to get an attracted fish to come and hit your lure when I was ice fishing? I can get them to come off the bottom and come up a couple of feet, but I sometimes have the issue of them not hitting it. I can see them on the vexlar and as soon as I get to a certain height they go back down! Any tips?

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Twitch your jig just a little/ raise rod tip just a coulple inches. It's fishing and sometimes no matter what you do the fish just aren't in the mood to bite no matter what you do or give them. If it was this morning you were out, I think the barometer went up yesterday and are probaly in a more negative mood. Yesterday I cought 8 eyes in the morning/ this morning only 4. It did seem they were a little more aggressive yesterday. Good luck out there and keep fishing. The more you are out,

the more your odds are to catch em.

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Sometimes adding a minnow head to your jig adds a little meat to catch the fish that are looking at the flash and then want a bite to eat. Also a dead stick with a pencil bobber or just the rod in a hole next to it works. I have also attracted fish using a jig and then when the fish were in the area pull the jig and drop a gens worm or other horizontal jig with a minnow on to to get the fish to hit. Good luck and that's why they call if fishing not catching. grin

BTW welcome Braedon to HSO good info here and a great bunch of guys

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