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Hunt Swap???


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Hey Guys,

As most of you have seen I totally lucked out bowhunting in my former home state of Wisconsin. I would again like to thank you all for the kind comments smile I truly wish you all could have been in the tree with me.

But that pure blessing from the bowhunting gods has left me with a dilemma.

I already have taken the rest of the week off, and the weekend too, with nothing to do!

I hate to ask this ( and I truly do......) and I know it is last minute, but if any of you guys would happen to have an open seat this weekend for gun season within a couple hours drive I would be tickled to join you!

Being new to the state, I don't really have any friends or contacts over here to find a place to hunt.

I don't have a terrible lot to swap, but I would love to return the favor by taking you out snowshoe hare hunting behind beagles in Wisconsin, or a weekend fishing in my wheelhouse on Mille Lacs this winter.

You would also be more than welcome to rifle hunt the second weekend of Wisconsin near Trego too! (on opening weekend where I hunt near Balsam lake the land owner only lets two guys hunt his property, his buddy and myself). But if you would like to hunt both weekends I will skip the opener in Balsam Lake and head right up to Trego with you those days smile

Like I said earlier, I hate to even bring it up, but I don't have any public land scouted to rifle hunt this weekend.

I look forward to the small chance of meeting up with somebody new!

Thanks again guys!


-Brandon Meyer

b-man715 at hotmail.com

A little about me quick,

(Man this feels like I putting my body up on Kraigslist! LOL!!)

30 years old

Employed as a construction Superintendent at Insituform Technologies

Hunter Safety certified (almost 20 years ago cry)

Engaged to my lovely lady Katie

Homeowner in Stacy, MN

Have all of my own equipment for the hunt (guns, truck, climber, etc)

Thanks again guys!

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