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Bears trashing Ground Blinds


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Guys, needs some help on this. I put out a ground blind last week only to discover the bears totally destroyed it. Should I switch to putting them out later such as early October when the bears don't seem to be around as much? Any tips? I had it brushed in real good and planned to let it sit until late October but I guess I am out $200.

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You could try that but bears are still around in october too... On my land we have a ton of bear, commonly see 5-10 different bears in a season, but we have lost only one camera in over 15 years... I would recommend spraying your blind down with water or let it sit outside your house for a few days before you put it out... If you have left a lot of your scent, food, or etc smells on it the bear is only going to be curious and try to "get in" and that just spells disaster

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Good one Pike, trust me if I could I would. This land is in WI so we have a few more years to wait.

Jason, yeah, we had the blind sprayed down in the yard for about a week before we set it out. We have bear boxes for our cameras too. We see far less bears as the season goes by so I will set it out later and hope they stay away.

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Man if all I had to do for bear is set a ground blind out. Just kidding, try to really conceal it in the brush making it an inconvience to get at but not for u, bear are just curious by nature but lazy unless food is involved. not much else you can do except put it out wen ya hunt. Heavy concealment is about all I can think of. An bath it in scent kiler wen u leave.

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