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Grouse Drum counts- Pheasant roadside counts

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Grouse Drum counts

I know the DNR is in the business of selling licenses but I am tired of every fall hearing the overly optimistic grouse-pheasant counts only to go hunting and find out they are WRONG. We should find a better way!

I find keeping a watch on this HSOforum much more accurate because you hunters get out from behind your computers and actually go into the uplands. Thank you Tink.

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umm the pheasant counts were pretty bleak last year.

What he said. As far as ruff numbers go, I don't think they inflate them. Drumming counts obviously aren't nearly as accurate as counting individual birds, but it does give an idea of the grouse population overall. Then it's just up to Mother Nature to give us a nice, dry spring and moderate temperatures to ensure good brood survival rates.

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