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Three more down!

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I tried a few new spots late last night and early this morning and ended up bringing three more home. That makes 11 for Mitch and I this year so far. Hopefully we won't get the wind they're talking about and we can get out a couple more times this weekend.

1st set was a dud and I called it short as there were two grays barking at each other about 1/2 mile south of me. They were down wind of me and appeared to be calling back to each other. I was planning to try for them later in the night but never got a chance to get back there.

2nd set: i called in the mother load! Called in four which was a first. I only managed to get two of them though. I dropped the male after he came into the bluejay distress and switched to pup distress. The female came in after a minute or so. After I dropped the second one I could still here something running through the brush. I got the two of them to come up to where I dropped the second one but the gun just went click. I looked down and the shell never fully chambered. I tried to get the shell out but managed to jam another one up there and now I had a real mess. By the time I got them out they had run off into the brush and wouldn't come back. Gave me a good tongue lashing though.


3rd set: I called in one but unfortunately made a poor shot and ended up losing it. I tracked it for a bit but ended up losing it in some tall grass. I plan to head back out today agian to try and find it in the daylight.

I called one last spot as it was getting late and ended up pulling this last one in. I think his mate was in the brush to the left of me but I never saw her. I heard him making his way toward me and made the 20 yard shot. I called it a night since I had a lot of skinning to do. Hope to get out tonight agian. We'll keep you posted.



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