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last year i shot federal fusions. i DO NOT recommend this load for meat hunters. shot him 40yds out, perfect placement behind the shoulders. the entrance wound was the size of my fist. the round broke up on impace and flew into the opposite shoulder, ruining that and both loins. on the plus side, all the bucks vitals were mush!

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I shot them in my 7mm08 and really liked them until i shot at a doe at 50yds and hit a branch i seen it fly in my scope and the bullet was done never touched her she was 10ft in front of the tree that the branch came off. I dont understand either because its bonded but them tiped bullets im done with.

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I use the nosler Partitions and nosler balistic tips in my 25wssm with factory loads has similar balistics as the 25-06 I have shot plenty of deer with them and not a lot of damage to the deer. How ever on the antelope they raise hell. We wasted a lot of meat but dropped everyone where they stood. I use the heaviest I can find and I think its around 117 gr bullet.

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