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Bummed but hopeful

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Was at the range yesterday shooting some new loads and noticed I had a bulge 7" from the muzzle on my favorite gun. Gunsmith could not believe it was still grouping so well when I showed him the target. I thought the gun was done but I was directed a couple different ways and appears a new barrel may not be too bad. Out of all my guns this one feels soooooo right and like an extension of my body. Ruger does not sell parts so the thought of having it at the factory for 3-6 months was not great but doable. Then someone hooked me up with an outfit in Montana that sounds real promising. I was pretty devistated at the thought of having to replace it. Cant wait to see how these new reloads work in a good barrel. Have no idea how long it has been like this as the bulge is so slight, but the light hit it just right at the range.

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