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Wow this forums got me pumped to building my own rods. Dont know why I never checked in here before but now im gonna be here alot.

Now my question, Ive spent alot of time on Youtube looking at rob building and found alot of neat ideas on what im going to be doing on my first one. BUT i want to add my signature or something to that effect saying i made it. Anyone know how you do this? I heard one video talk about computer print outs you can do but he briefly mentioned it.

Man im excited about this. Ive always been one who would not spend above a hundred dollars for a rod and even then I hated spending it. Now I just need to find some resonable blanks.

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There's a number of different ways to do it.

The simplest way is to go to an art supplies store like Michael's and get a gold or silver pen. Then take a piece of Scotch tape the same length as your signature and place the tape on a piece of glass...but don't apply it to hard. Trim the edges so they're straight and write your name on the tape. Now spray the tape with Krylon Crystal Clear spray. This seals the ink and protects it from the epoxy. After the spray is dry, carefully lift the tape and apply it to the rod. Burnish the tape to get rid of any air bubbles. Now it's ready for epoxy.

If you've got an inkjet printer you've got more options available to you. There's a process that I always follow and get great results. I'm not sure if forum policy allows me to place links to other forums and don't have time right now to find out. But, Google this exact string "dave rogers decal" and click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

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Thanks for the reply unfrozen. From reading your tip, your basically epoxying over the tape with your name on it then?

Thanks for the search tip going there in just a few.

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I should note also, with regard to the tape suggestion, you may want to experiment with the different types of Scotch tape. Some types may be more translucent than others. In other words, you want to see the name through the epoxy, but not the tape.

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