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Have sand / rock on your boulevard??


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Instead of raking this mess off your boulevard, especially if you live in town, find a local rental place that has a powered broom.

There are both handheld types as well as walk-behind models.

The handhelds are most likely all you would need. It's basically a trimmer with a drum with either bristles or paddles on the end.

In less than 30 minutes, you should be able to sweep all the junk back into the street before the city crews do their spring sweeping, plus it's much much less invasive than trying to use a rake.

If you live on a gravel road such as I do, you might have to find a walk behind model. A hand held version WILL work, but it will take quite a while.

For what it's worth, unless you're just picking up sticks or blowing leaves with a blower, that's all you should really be doing to your yard right now.

If you try raking leaves with a rake, unless it's extremely dry in your yard, there's a chance you'll be doing damage to the root structure.

Also, I've lost a fair amount of work this year, so I'll actually have some free time in the summer.

I know someone else posted about lawn care routines, so a week or two before something comes up (different rounds of fertilizer, weed killer, aerating, dethatching) I'll post what I'll be doing for my clients, so others here can have a general idea.

Good Luck!!

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