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Dog food help needed!


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I have been feeding my PL Purina Pro Plan and she has been itching and scratching a lot as of late. The Vet told me it may be allergies. Any suggestions as to a good dog food? My dog had been on Diamond and did ok but just would not eat enough of it. any suggestions would be great!

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Fromms has a duck and sweet potatoe diet with a lot of other meat and whole vegetables... great food! just awefully spendy. My Cocker is still finishing up the last of some that I had gotten on a promotion. He is doing great on it, but it would be too cost prohibitive for me with three dogs.

Good Luck!


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There are a lot of good foods out that are corn, wheat and soy free now. Native has a great food with different energy levels. Instinct does too and that is grain free. If you have a chuck N dons near you they have a 50% off gift cert. going up tomorrow on kstp web site. Nice way to try some new things out. Country Vet has comprable foods out too.

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I switched to Native last August when I met Steve at Game Fair. I could not be happier. Great energy, less [PoorWordUsage] and their coats never looked better. All my buddies have since switched. I feed 3 dogs, priced right. Good luck. Hound Heater Guy

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