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What's a "shelter"?


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Good wife story! Here's mine: This was around 1984 deer hunting opener and my wife with no doe permit shoots a buck with 2" spikes. I go, "Honey you're under arrest." She says "No way, one polished antler". Yes, but not 4". She says,"That's not what it says in the regs."

When we got home and looked at the regs., sure enough, there was nothing about 4". Maybe a typo. She never got checked, but I wonder how that would have gone.

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What happened with the protest that was being organized where a bunch of guys were going to go out and ice fish on Rainy in a bunch of cardboard boxes without shelter lecenses?

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I never heard of that one. But I wouldn't want to get caught. Isn't there a strike policy where if you have so many violations in a given period of time your privaledges would be revoked? I guess to me I don't see challenging the DNR worth risking losing my hunting/fishing privaledges.

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If you fish out of it you need a license...a car ar pickup as an example...you can watch tip ups and dead sticks thru the the window, but if you decide to drill a hole next to your door and decide to fish out of your window or with the door open while jigging with rod in hand is considered a shelter and you need a shelter license for that vehicle. Take it from me, I got nabbed the first year they imposed this law and a friend of mine got nabbed last year on a metro lake. I think morriscode is right...it all depends on the CO'S mood...to be or not to be a D.H. Just do away with shelter licenses and keep things simple and we all would not be asking this question now.

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Remember that group who fished in large garbage bags last winter up on Rainy? Anybody ever hear how that one came out? I know the only reason they did it was to test the rules of portable shelter licensing...I never heard whether or not that got challenged by the DNR.

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I have built 3 eskimo igloos in my lifetime,(none on a lake). I suppose an "igloo license" would be neccessary in MN if I built one on a lake and had a fishing rod anywhere nearby. I'd like to see Officer Friendly get down on his hands and knees and crawl through the tunnel to write out the ticket.

Would the state prosecute a person for fishing out of an igloo if you didn't have a shelter tag? Talk about frivolous lawsuits.
I bet It'd make the national news.

Maybe Paula Zahn would come out to the Igloo for an interview - I wonder how she'd like my bearskin rug?

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So, I'm out on the ice sitting comfortably behing a slab of ice heaved up by nature and the CO comes by, and he decides that I'm sheltered but not licensed, what does he do?

Since I cannot take credit for fabricating the shelter (God did that) am I then responsible for licensing it? Can I claim divine intervention? Does the CO, feeling rather omnipotent today, issue God the ticket and hope he can make it stick in court?

Or, am I just SOL and get nailed for fishing from an unlicensed shelter.

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