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Looking for some help


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I'm hoping someone on this forum can help me out. I recently adopted a male yellow lab that is approximately 1 year old. I adopted him from his second owners. They were not able to tell me much about his background. I have contacted the original owner but he could care less about the dog and isn't forthcoming with any information. What I have been told is that the dog was born around this time last year....end of May, maybe June (like I said, not sure on date)....and that he was bought from somebody from/near Montgomery.

I'm hoping somebody on this board knows somebody from the Montgomery area who had a litter of yellow pups around this time last year. He's a great looking dog and has a great disposition. Would really like to know what his pedigree is and where he came frome. I have the name of the original owner and hoping the breeder has some record of who he sold the pups to.

If you have information, feel free to email me at [email protected].

Thanks much!

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Just wondering why it's so important to find out what his pedigree is? I agree, it would be nice to know, but to me, I'd rather focus on getting him trained to be a family member and solid hunter. Are you thinking of breeding him or something?


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