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Tonka 5/8 update

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I am still doing much better at dark and later for shallow crappies. Channel areas are the ticket. Two of us boated 71 Friday night with 13 over 10". Decided to actually keep count for once. We quit at midnight but the bite was still going. Crappies chasing bait fish and some big toothy types chasing crappies. Several times I shined my headlamp into the water and saw walleyes swimming around. Fun night. That said I caught some nice fish in shallow coves Friday afternoon and yesterday (wife is very understanding!) before the weather sent me back to the dock. Water temps at 58 in main lake area although one backwater got to 60. Picked up a few males that were already turning black so spawn for the shallow types isn't far off. Paddletails worked best at night. The day bite demanded jig and minnow. Weather permitting I'll be out most of the week on Tonka. As for green carp I had a 4lber actually intercept my jig and minnow before it hit the water. Talk about topwater action the thing hadn't even got wet. Bass came 3/4 of the way out of the lake to grab it. I wonder if it saw the float coming or what.

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When I was out friday night, I must have gotten probably about seventy-five crappies. Unfortunately, most were subservient chips, but a few nice ones around 10-11". Once again, paddletails kicked butt...no one else (shore fishing) got anything close to the numbers I got. A muskie showed up at my boat, as usual at this one spot. Over 40" about 2-3 feet deep just off the bow. Fun to see!

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Hey guys! I assume you'll be on Tonka for the opener as well... I haven't been on the big drink for a few days now and am looking forward to chasing those 'eyes! Great to hear you guys are pounding the crappies! I'll probably spend some time mid day Saturday trying for a few in between the hunt for the Walters. I'll shoot you guys an e-mail later in the week, if your all on 'Tonka maybe we could meet up in Excelsior or wherever for a lunch break...

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That would be cool, Buzzsaw. I'm hoping to get out on Tonka for opener, but my truck is basically useless right now-bad intake gasket (small leak) in the cooling system...it's not like I couldn't get it fixed, but its about time to get something else before I get nickel and dimed to death mad.gif. So I am hoping I can get another vehicle before opener. My vehicle wwould probably make it to Grays bay launch, so if worse comes to worse, I can always launch and load at Grays bay during low traffic times.

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Weird last night. A few fish in the coves nothing special. Little too windy to try main lake (again). My go to spot was hot for all of 90 minutes then just shut off. Went from a fish every other cast to nothing doing in about 2 minutes. Moved around trying to locate the crappies and they were just gone. This cold front is really going to mess up the fish. By the time water gets to spawning temps the milfoil will be so high we won't be able to fish shallow. If I have to fish the main lake I am going after something with teeth.

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I'm about 95% sure I know where you'll be!! I believe your quote in the boat was "It's a part of the lake I want to spend more time fishing this year" I will leave that "part"of the lake out... I'll be not far away... just across the big water from you! wink.gif

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It turns out, Mark, that I have a vehicle lined up, and will probably get it by thursday evening. So I'll probably get my boat into the water on opener after all. If you just want someone to fish with, either saturday or sunday, I would be happy to go with you. Perhaps you could teach me a thing or two about 3-way rigging sometime!

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Still learning it myself. I figure in another 10 years I'll be a halfway decent fisherman. Just keep experimenting with stuff and one day I be able to catch lots of fish no matter what is going on. Then I'll go back to golf or some other useless activity.

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