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FL18 and Aqua-view


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I have encountered no electronic interference problems with the flasher and camera units that close. It is just that two cables in a hole you also intend to fish in can be a real mess. I liked to drill another hole just to the side for the camera. That way you can more easily manipulate it without tangles.

On rivers I always use a second hole set to the right or to the left of the flow. I often do this just for the flasher if there is significant lure drift due to current. The fish will always come up stream to the bait so by setting the camera slightly back and to the side you see more and can react accordingly.

Occasionally I set the camera behind the bait downs stream and set to look straight down from above. That way you see a Birdseye view of the action and keep out of the way without spooking sneaky walleye. In low light conditions all you may see is the walleyes eyes creeping into view. I think they spook less by the light as long as it is from above and at a safe distance above .

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I have both and I can tell you its not the greatest thing to do since it reads the camera housing all the time and if the transducer is right next to the cable going down you will kind of read it on the vex but it isnt that bad.

I have done it though, I just made sure the ducer and the camera were on opposite sides of the hole (it also helps that I have a 10" hole). It isnt as bad then, but I suppose a person could get used to it if they had to.

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