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A day off tommorrow so......

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Good news/Bad news.....I got a day off tomorrow. Good..I get to go hunting...bad..no money. But...the hunting part is good. Is Carlos Avery even worth going to...I heard it's a war zone out there...unfortunetly it's the closest. I live in St. Paul and cant really justify the gas to go any farther. I'd like to go back up to Pine City...did really good up there a few weeks back. If anyone has waders and wants to joing me we can split the cost that would be awesome...otherwise I'll take my chances in Carlos. So where in Carlos should I try if that's where I go? One of the main lakes or should I hike to a smaller, maybe less pressured lake or pond? Any help would be appreciated..thanks and good luck.

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Went to Carlos last Thursday near south refuge. Very few ducks around and too many hunters shooting at birds 100yds up. Of course we also had the local shoot and leave coot shooters.

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So your saying....not so much. That's what I thought. So why do people shoot coots and let them lay anyways...I just dont understand. Just cause they're there I suppose. Does anybody eat coot? If not...why is there a season and limit? Anyways good luck. I'll probably give it a shot...maybe one of the smaller lakes or ponds would be better.

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If your going to carlos stay the hell away from pool 9, on the least pressured day there are 10 parties hunting around it, my friends have got shot there, and i saw a guy shoot at a hawk there. Iv been there during the week and its still packed. There are spots where you can get away from the people and shoot birds you just have to scout.

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