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Carbon Masks?


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Anyone try these? Researching ghillies suits for next year and one company also sells these masks along the line of surgical masks (not the 3M style ones you buy at the hardware store). The point is that the amount of scent that comes forth from your mouth is something often overlooked in scent control. I should add that I try to minimize scent but am by no means the fanatic I was when I first started hunting. It's just that it makes a lot of sense that your breath would obviously be contributing a ton of scent into the air. I was thinking you could "recharge them" by dipping them in some carbon synergy or a similar product or just buying some surgical masks and doing the same thing. Interested in input if anyone has done this?

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carbon masks have been shown to really help control breath odor.

So the only real issue to understand is, is that they must be rejuvinated more frequently.

breathing a few hundred times in that thing is going to fill up pretty quick. It's not the breathing that it contains, it's the bacterial smelling odor.

Saliva has been shown to help reduce odor as it washes it down. Chewing gum helps. But not all gum is created equal.

There's been stdudies on Big Red Gum that show it controls breath odor better than anything. But the problem is the ingredient cinnamon, when used around deer it's been found to repel them. Also mint is used as a deer repellant. Gumoflauge will help, but will still fill the carbon. So just renew frequently. It's an absorbant, but still effective when used properly.

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