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NASP State Tournament

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I realize that this site and forum are mostly hunting oriented, but I want to share an archery success with you:

This weekend at Champlin Park High School, over 1000 registered archers will compete in the 2012 MN NASP State Tournament. Kids in grades 2-12 will be shooting on Friday night and most of the day Sat. hoping for personal best scores. 33 different communities from Aurora to Zimmerman, Red Lake to Hawly will be represented.

While many of you shoot decked out hunting rigs or have practiced years with a recurve, these kids shoot amazing scores with their 1820 aluminum arrows and a bare bow. The overall high scores this weekend will be in the mid 290's. Most of the kids will just be hoping for personal bests.

Minnesota is one of two states that has the NASP program in every county of their state (Kentucky is the other). The last 3 years, this state tournament has seen registrations rise 150-250 kids per year.

Although the ideas of hunting are not taught, it is at least a way to get kids on a bow with a good set of skills and offer them success at something they see their grandfathers, fathers, uncles, moms, aunts, and cousins talk about and do every fall.

If you have the chance to make a connection with your local school archery program, please do. My program at Westonka is always looking for ways to keep kids interested in archery when they are done with the NASP.

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