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First February coyote makes 13 this year!

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I finally shot a coyote for the month of February this morning. I came home last night from Nebraska and got about 5 hours sleep before heading out around 2 A.M. We lost most of the snow here so I tried a couple spots that I knew would be dark but that had some taller grass so I could hear them. I went to a spot we tried last year and had one come in but couldn’t see clearly through the scope for a shot. This time I had the XLR 250 on the AR and hoped I’d get another shot. I started with a couple howls and sat back and listened. There was a pack howling back from the NE but a long way off. I had some properties to hunt that way so I made a mental note and was going to head that way after this set. I then went to rabbit for a bit then shut it down. The pack in the distance lit up again and when they stopped a couple started in not 500 yards away and NE of me as well. I sat quietly for about 15 minutes and then heard them coming in straight East of me and heading down wind. I hit my light and they took off. They ran out about 200 yards and stopped. I put the crosshairs on the closest one and focused between the two red dots and touched one off. I thought I heard it hit but couldn’t see anything. I headed down the hill and found this big male piled up. Another heavy furred one and they’ve all looked great this year.


I loaded up and headed toward the other pack. I walked West from the road into a hay field that had a picked cornfield to the South and some woods to the West and another picked cornfield to the North.

I set up on the South edge of the hay field. The wind was coming now out of the SE so the caller was about 30 yards NW of me. I started with a couple howls with no response. Then went to rabbit distress again for a bit then back to another howl. It wasn’t long and I heard one running in from my left, coming across the corn field. I made the mistake of hitting the light as he busted from the corn and I think I burned him with the light because he hit the afterburners and didn’t slow down until he was completely across the field. I saw his eyes for a second but he never stopped for a shot. I tried one more spot that’s on my cull list and never saw or heard a thing. That one’s getting dropped for next year. All in all a good night and we’ll give it another shot tonight. Heading to the fur buyer today to drop them off and this is what I had left in the freezer from last month.



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