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Cowgirl Creation 101

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I'm starting to get into lure building. I searched for a thread on building cowgirls but couldn't seem to find one. Anyone have any advice? I know thorne bros has all the stuff I need but I was more looking for some sort of walk-through if at all possible.

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I can help you out a little bit.

Building plain jane inline spinners, like those used for bass/pike/trout. is pretty simple.

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Double cowgirls are basically big inline spinners that are dressed up a bit.

Building double-bladed inline spinners is just as easy, except you need two clevises and two blades, and then you just have to make sure you thread the clevises on intertwined and not stacked (just take a look at a double bladed inline spinner since I'm having trouble putting what you do to words).

I haven't put skirts on inline spinners, but there must be tutorials online somewhere. The double cowgirls have a smaller interior skirt and a larger exterior skirt tied on. I haven't taken apart a double cowgirl to see what they do to make it have two treble hooks.

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There's a great tutorial too.

If you want to copy double cowgirls exactly, take one apart and see what parts they use, but part of the fun of making your own flashabou skirted inline spinners is the individual choices you have in customizing your lures.

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