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Lowrance X-125 vs. X-135



Lookin at new sonars and was just wondering if anyone has used these two units or what your guys' opinions on these are. Is the extra power in the X135 worth the extra money? Or are there other differences I'm missing?

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i have the x125. its for sale i got it last year and liked it a lot i just want something with a gps on it. its showed the bottom and lots of detail. i was also trying to decided between the 2 and went with the 125 with the type of fishing i did. the screen is nice with the high resolution. i don't know how much of a differences 4000watts would have made vs 2400 watts.i think you will notice it in deeper water. i bet i didn't help much but though i would say something.

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I got the x135 and really like it, got a great deal on it. The only differences I could see is the 125 has amber backlight compared to white on 135. 135 has more power(4000 compared to 2400) and the 135 is NMEA compliant, meaning it can be networked.

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