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What would be worse??


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What would be worse?

Going on a fishing trip and losing your favorite pole down the hole, or being outfished by your partners cuz the battery on your Vex went dead?


[This message has been edited by Pro Crappie Guide (edited 01-06-2003).]

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I think the worst would be losing your vex down the hole and your fishing buddy winning your favorite pole on a bet 'cause he out-fished ya!!! rolleyes.gif

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if ur vex dies and you got some money on this bet, accidentally put some gas on his jig when he takes a bathroom break smile.gif
or quickly switch his vex battery for yours, just dont let him know your vex died before you do it.

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pcg , a little slow at the office today ?????

Hey are there guardian minnows in my minnow bucket ? I cant seem to catch any !!HAHHHHH

what the #%#^#@!#@!!man!

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