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New to 4 wheelers


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Just got my first ATV, being a 05 polaris ATP. I am wondering on what you normally carry with you for repair equipment. I am mostly going to be using it for ice fishing and some hunting use. Do I need a tire repair kit? Just want to get an idea what everybody carries with them. Thanks for any ideas.

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A tire repair kit is about the only thing I would highly recommend. It doesnt hurt having the basic metric wrenches along and a spark plug wrench just in case.. you dont need much.

There are tire repair kits out there that have the tire plug tool, a few plugs, some rubber cement, and a couple Co2 canisters(pettet gun size) that go into an adapter that will partially inflate a tire trailside. I dont know the name of the kit, but they work great as I have used them before. Maybe someone else knows the kit I am talking about and can point you in the right direction.

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