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Lighting with a Vexilar Battery


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I know I read a post somewhere but I can't find it about hooking up lights to a Vexilar battery. How long will a light run on a fully charged battery and how many lights could you run off of 1 battery? Seems it would be a nice alternative to a lantern and the fumes.

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What kind of lights do you want to run? LED's use less juice than incandescent. Your normal Vex-type battery has a 7 Amp-Hour rating. That means the battery can supply 350 mA for 20 hours. For my house, I have a 20Ah battery. My lighting solution draws ~500 mA, so I estimated that I could run my lights for ~40 hours. I know my estimation may be off a little (since things aren't linear), but I figured the estimate was good enough for the girls I go with grin.gif

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Big ICK,

What kind of lights do you use and what are you lighting. I don't quite understand the system so if had pictures it would help. Where can you purchase the lights from? I was looking at lighting a portable if it is not to cumbersome.


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