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trout fishing

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A group of us are looking at giving South Dakota a shot for some fly fishing for trout next june. We know we want to hit the Black Hills area, but we are searching for accomodations, either campgrounds or cabins. Also, what does the out of state fee run and can we get like 5 day licenses or something similar? Any surprises we might need to be made aware of? I remember when we went to wyoming, the beer prices were sky high, and the grocery stores were outrageous too. Also, any tips on good streams to try, or good bars for a burgere and beer would be appreciated too.


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While I can't give you any details on the fishing, I can give some insight on the tourism this time of year. It can be pretty crazy! There are many campgrounds out there and they can get filled up so the only advice I can give it to make reservations early. Sorry I can't be of more help.


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