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Looking for a smaller hunting dog

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I'm looking for a hunting dog. My wife and I bought a new, smaller townhouse, and that somewhat limits our options. We dont want a dog that is too big, or too hyper. I want something that can hunt, she wants a small dog like a pug. We both love labs and shorthair pointers, but I think both would be too big for out place, and both really need their exercise. We are young newlyweds with busy schedules, and don't have the time or space to run a lab or shorthair everyday. I love to duck hunt and upland hunt. Is there any smaller breeds that would be capable of both of these? I could try to train a pug..LOL. I know a few of you have mentioned spainels. I know there are tons of different breeds of spainels out there. Which ones would be suitable for hunting? Any help would be appriciated. Thanks!

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You could get a springer spaniel or a brittaney. A springer is a flushing/retrieving dog and a brittaney is a pointer. Both are about the same size but the brittaneys are probably a little smaller. I have a springer and she is in the house quite a bit. She is a good bird dog and I have seen other people train their springers to duck hunt. You still will have to let either of them get exercise though.

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I just so happened to have a new litter of springer pups. 4 males and 3 females. My female is all house dog and is great with the kids. The boss won`t let me get her out in the field. Lacy`s mom and dad are both great hunter`s. She is about 38 lbs. I live in Austin. Flip

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Thanks for the help guys. I'm picking up a Brittany tommorow in WI from a breeder. The dog has good hunting lines and the breeder is a respected breeder. Hopefully he'll be a great dog in the field and water! Thanks for the help!

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