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HSO get together Big Stone Lake Saturday February 29th
I have had a few people reach out to me wanting to meet up on the ice. So thought I would see what kind of interest we can generate getting some members on here together.  Maybe I will even make a post on FM. Nothing too serious just meeting up on the ice for a casual day fishing.
I picked Big Stone as its a border water so it works for SD and MN residents. Right now it also has a good class of fish for multiple species (Perch, Walleye, Blue Gills, etc)
Before I get into too many details thought I would throw out a poll and see what I get for responses and feedback. Let me know your thoughts, would be fun to make this happen. Its been a long time since we have a get together on HSO.
I have 9yr old boy girl twins, they may come or not. Might depend if we get some other kids there?
Lets make this happen!
  • 73 replies

Agate Bay Resort
Mille Lacs Lake Ice Fishing Reports

We had a very good day. We finished plowing our roads ahead of the cold front moving in tonight. We also pulled all of our rental houses out and blocked, banked and started most of them.
Tomorrow we will finish setting up the rentals including starting the satellite tv in the premier ice cabins and lodges. That can take forever with Dish TV.
We will plow the roads that need it after this wind.

We will set up road signs. If it goes well tomorrow, we may pull some private houses on Thursday. If it goes bad, we hope to start pulling private houses and letting wheel houses with season packages out on Friday.
Unfortunately I do not have much parking space on land and I will need it this weekend for pulling private houses out so I will be closing my access to daily accesses of any kind. 
We intend to give our seasonal skid houses and wheel house customers first crack at spots along our road before we open it up for daily or weekend access customers.
Hopefully we will open for access customers on Monday, Jan 13, 2020. We hope you understand. We will have plowed driveways along all of our roads for wheel houses like last year. We may restrict the size of house or truck we allow depending on ice conditions, but it looks real good now. We will also evict anyone found to be going too fast this year.

This year in particular the ice needs you to drive even slower than normal. If you do not want to do that, please go somewhere else.
  • 1 reply

Post in Waterfowl Photos
Old man of a surf scoter this afternoon.  They don’t get cool looking until they get old.  My buddy called him grandpa.

And if only the Brant season was open where were...  These came by close.  Perfect shots.

2020 gardens
apparently its never to early to think about the next garden!!!!!!🙄 2 days ago got my first seed and garden catalog...……...jungs!!!!!!!!
  • 94 replies

Iowa Fishing Reports
Please help out and post your Fishing Reports in here. Feel free to chime in anytime.
  • 147 replies

Whats the best generator for a wheel house.
I am looking at purchasing a generator for a wheel house. Looking for some advice as to what people like and don't like. I was looking at the Honda 2000 but would like some advice. Thanks in advance.
  • 51 replies

Time for a smoke
My wife decided the other to surprise me, she picked up this 8 1/2 # flat. It's no packer but I gave her a smooch anyway. Got it scored , lathered up with mustard  and seasoned last night.  I decided to put the fat cap down for the first half of the duration then I'll give it a mop every hour or so. I'm going to shoot for an internal temp of 200, then wrap in some freezer paper and towels and let it rest in the cooler......
  • 696 replies

HSO Direction 2020
We are considering all positive ideas for what HotSpotOutdoors should try to accomplish starting in 2020. 
We expect to have 25,000 or more unique visitors in December of 2019 and 35,000 in January of 2020.
This thread is not for the debate or negative feelings about ideas presented. 
This thread is only for positive ideas or adding to ideas that are presented.
If you believe your thought can ADD value for you our members and visitors please post it.
If I believe we can accomplish your idea it will then be put up for discussion in another thread.
Here are some questions I'm asking that may help with your ideas:
1. How do we get more of our visitors to become members and post?
2. How do we create more value for current members who are posting?
3. What is currently valuable in the HSO forums for you?
Anything negative or involving the past, is not welcome in this topic, says more about you and will be removed.
Your positive thoughts shared here for the future and "here and now" are appreciated.
  • 171 replies

Best electric auger.
So with a lot of new electric augers on the market, which would you consider to be the best? I have been considering putting my gas Eskimo on mothballs and getting an electric. Out of all of them the Clam looks like a good option. Anyone else have experience with the newest models 
  • 70 replies

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I just wanted to share some of my experiments with solar power and solar heat on my fish house. It's 8x12 with one 100 watt solar panel and a custom made 4x7 active solar heating panel on the back. It puts out some incredible heat for free, up to 110F. 
  • 11 replies

I have a gravel driveway, fairly long, and every year I just call up the local blacktop company and get a couple loads hauled in, I want to keep a good base and replace what disapears via snowblowing and erosion. My problem is that its always very sandy gravel, not much rock in it. Then the next heavy rain it washes away. I almost feel like they are bringing the poor gravel to me, the occaisional customer rather than the good gravel with aggregate in it.
How can you tell if its good class 5?
  • 28 replies

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