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marcum question ?


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i have just purchased a marcum lx3 this weekend at cabelas.just waiting for ice feeze up. just wanting some clarification on how you read the dial.you have white from 0 to 20 then the red from 0 to 80.and the yellow.i read the manual but still not quite sure ,espesially if you are in the zoom mode.


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Hi Bob! Welcome to FM. To read your LX-3 you just need to do a little math. If you have it set on the 20' setting, just read the dial on the outside, if it's in the 40' setting just double the outside readings, or look real hard on the inside settings. If it's in the 80' setting just multiply by 4 and so on. When it's in zoom mode, you'll have the two yellow bars on the right side of your dial which you can move anywhere in the column. The water inbetween those two bars will be the entire left side of your dial. The yellow bars will disapear after a few seconds and the entire water column will be on the right side. Hope this helps Bob. Good fishing.

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great unit, if your in an area with many people, noise recjection will come into affect, just hit it 4 times, and it comes in clear as a (you know what). I love this unit, I have ad vex, zercom, and this is the bestby far.

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