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Am I ruining......


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Late at night after I get off work I take her to the park that is a couple blocks away. It is about the size of one city block and has cut grass. At night there are rabbits all over the place. I take Luci there and let her chase them freely to get some exercise. It doesn't take long because they scatter so quickly.

Do you think this is giving her the wrong idea or ruining her as far as the control in the field issue??
Thanks, Tim

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As long as you can whistle the dog off the bunnies and remain in control, I see no harm. I have been using situations like this to work on control with my lab. I started with a check cord, but now I seldom need it.

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I would think a young dog chasing wabbits would seem cute right now but what about mid October? Hunted with a buddy whose GSP pointed old mouse nests. Maybe fun for her in the summer when the mice streamed out of them. Pretty frustrating in the fall.

IBOT's # 17 & 248

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I can whistle her off and she'll come back to heel position.....so I don't know.

Maybe its not bad. I guess i'll know in about a month when I start working her at the farm.

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Bryce is correct in saying your dog will possibly start pointing and trailing rabbits, squirels, mice, etc.... she will not know the difference come this fall.

Teach her that Rabbits, deer, etc.. are not what you are hunting or you will regret it later.

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I forgot to mention that whistling her off may seem ok but what if she is on point and you do not know what she is pointing, then you whistle her back to heel and it was a pheasant.

She will then be so confused to what you have trained her to do.

It sounds like she has the obedience to overcome this situation so good luck...

[This message has been edited by spinach (edited 08-09-2004).]

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