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Iron River Wisconsin trails


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Well it looks like our spring ride on the north shore probably wont happen since the trails dont look like they will be open by then so now we are looking at the Iron River area in WI. I got some maps from there and they look like they have a lot of trails to ride. Has anyone ever ridden over there and what can we expect? Is there that many trial over there? Looks like they are more ATV friendly over there. Is there any good places to stay that someone might have experience with?

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I have ridden the Iron River area many times. It is my favorite area to go. There are hundreds of miles of trails and it is not uncommon to put on 100 miles a day. In iron river there is a motel, but I haven't stayed there. There also is a place outside of town that has 8 small cabins called the Rustic Roost. The cabins are nothin fancy but they are cheap and they serve the purpose. There are some very nice cabins not to far from Iron River in the Vahalla area, I don't remember the name of them but they were new and even had hot tubs, and they are right on the trail. There are also a few resorts and campgrounds near Iron River but the you can't ride in ditches so it you may have trailer to the trails. Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the info guys. We are going to stay at Deer Trail Lodge this time. We saw the new ones but decided to stay here since it is a closer drive. We plan on checking them out for next time when we get there. How late can you ride the trails on a 4 wheeler in WI?

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How late as in into the night, or into the year. We rode late into the night, I don't think there is a curfew. As far as the season, some trails are year round some are not. They also have many trails open in the winter, they are the snowmobile trails and I tell you it is a blast to ride them in the winter.

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