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I will say this, it was a shock to the system this morning while on the stand. But it was also one of those beautiful, crisp mornings that you hope for. The deer didn't cooperate but that's ok, would have much rather been in the stand than in bed.

The #1 reason I love frost is because it makes the buck thorn start dropping it's leaves so maybe I can see further than 40 yards.

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The frost has nothing to do with the rut, I have been rutting for about 20 yrs straight, moon phase, temperature, barometric pressure, daylight length, nothing seems to make it subside.

I know.....but its just the feeling you get when you walk out on a morning like it was. Just makes you think about the forth coming of the rut and the fun to be had in the woods

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I agree, for the last couple of weeks I have walked outside around 9:00 p.m. to get the mail. I could see my breath, smell the crop dust and rotting leaves, it felt like I should be walking to my shed to skin a deer instead of getting the mail. Seems much earlier this year than the recent past years.

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