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Good to be out, but fished Tonka for 6 hours on Saturday AM -- Managed to get a couple to follow and a couple to take a swipe, but nothing in the boat. Water was low/mid 60's and the fish were still lazy.

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First cast of the year I had a follow right up to the boat, stayed for the figure 8 and all but just not quite interesting enough for him. It looked like 38"-42" range. I was up north with my fiance for the weekend so only put in about a an hour of muskie fishing, but enough to have me resharpening all my hooks and reorganizing my muskie box. Hoping to get out Wed. afternoon for some serious hunting. I got the fever bad.

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I caught one 38 incher on Saturday afternoon, lost a good one and had two follows. Sunday lost another good fish, had a small one hit and miss a topwater at the boat and had one follow. Fish seemed preety lazy, it should only get better. Had a great lunch at the FM Muskies Inc. lundh on Big Detroit. It was nice to put some names to some faces. Good luck to all the rest of the season.


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15 minutes on the lake a 41". 3 Hours later my boat partner looking for his first boated a 43". About a dozen follows including an upper 40"er. A few pike as well. Overall a good day.


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Spent the whole weekend in the boxes looking for that one lure the would hit and not just follow. Seen alot of nice fish,just weren't in the mood to bite. Can't complain, lots of excietement,and alot better then working.It should heat up with the water.

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