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Was that another shot at me? (Kidding tongue.gif)

I will gladly expand my username to MILFOIL to avoid offending anyone. Do you know how this can be done?

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I have no idea how to change your name. Not trying to raz ya... just thought you might want to know. I'm not offended in the least bit.... in fact, I thought it was kind of funny. smile.gif

Good Luck,

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I was given the post url to see if we wanted to help on this project and I'm going to pass, you are approaching it like a bake sale not a restoration project.

here's why: first thing you do is create an organization to spearhead the restoration of the lake, not undertake it yourself.

you will receive more help and agencies will pay attention because you are representing an unknown larger body of interested folks, not just one guy, see the number of people that think you are in this for oyurself here? same thing at the DEC.

Be clear that you Represent a Group of concerned citizens not yourself.

second, you are going to be held liable if anything you personally do to the lake comes back to bite someone in the one-just-like-silly-me, ever meet the DEC law dogs? you won't like them. I've sued the state numerous times over the last 15 years and they are friggin tough and being part of the state they are **** near untouchable. Have that power directed DOWN on you and you will not be happy.

Note to all:
don't put things in the lake that can deteriorate, like brush, it breaks down and further removes oxygen as part of decompoaition, cement has to be, or should be specially made to reduce lime and chemicals leeching into the lake as well, pipes need to be steam blasted to remove harmful residues, wood often contains chemicals to resist rot or as by products of curing ( drying) they can cause problems you don't even want to think about.

these are all things a water quality manager can tell you and will handle.

We are currently spending over $50,000 a year in maintaining our own lake, Upper Saranac Lake ( the chain that ESPN is fishing on Great Outdoor Games, in the background you can see our boats often.

We are fighting against various problems, such as localized oxygen depletion, milfoil ( I don't know what MILF stands for in sexual reference and I don't want to), heavy use by the busiest State campground in NY, runoff from a PGA quality golfcourse and the idiots at the NY State fish hatchery who dump phosphorus into the lake by accident, as well as fuel runoff and roadside runoff, poor septic or failed septic systems, acid rain, idiots from CT and NJ who cut the lakeside vegatation and create erosion and heavy metal leaching into the lake, as well as zebra mussels, which yes they filter water but they also clog water intakes in house supplies, boat motors and dam gates. Like the goby and purple loose strife they are here to stay, but they are not a good thing in the long run.

you need to raise money and hire a lake manager, this is easy if you own property along the lake and can do better speaking with people in person than we all come across as on computers. You can't tell tone on a computer.

I recommend for starters getting in touch with Mike Martin our lake manager and rep from the Adirondack Aquatic Institute right up the road ( lake)from me. he is at www.paulsmiths.edu/aai or go to the AAI site and look around.

Robert Weber

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Mr. Weber.
If you were to read into the original message that I posted, you'll plainl see that what we're doing with Berkely is just the tip of the iceberg on a project that has federal and state funding of over $350,000,000 THAT'S MILLION DOLLARS.
None of this fish box structure planting is going unsupervsed and when the day comes that everything is ready to be put in place, the NYS DEC is the organization that will have the final say in where the structures are going to be submerged and anchored.
There are several sportsmans groups, Lake associations, home owners, business owners and other organizations that are raising money, donating their time and equiptment to help this cause.
This is not Upper Saranac lake Mr.Weber. Nor is this the Adironcdack Mountains that YOU so blatantly take advantage of for your own profits.

I haven't undertaken anything on my own other than to see how many UPC labels we can get to trade for the fish structure boxes in an effort to save the state and county some money.
I'm not the only one doing this. There are hundreds of people seeking to help this cause by donating their UPC Labels or going out and finding others that have some to donate. In this day and age, that's called teamwork. Something that you might not be too familiar with.

I will not be held liable for anything because I am not doing anything to this lake by or for myself.
Remember, the DEC is standing along side of all the groups that are involved with this project of which I personally am glad to see, that you will not be a part of.

Please stay in the Adirondacks and continue to keep Upper Saranac Lake from being polluted by the camp grounds, golf course and those...as you call them, Stupid DEC people for dmping phosphorus into the lakes on purpose.
Could it be those organizations that you've been sueing for YOUR own benefit Mr Weber.

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Tony: I have the same question, are you still taking UPC's? I know the owner of a bait shop and I could contact some of the other places like Gander MT and see if they might be able to get soe UPC's if that's the type of line the use for respooling. Also what's your status on recieved UPC's?

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