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introducing a pup to an old dog


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Has anyone had any experience in introducing a 6-7 week old puppy to a 9 year old lab?
I,ve have a 9 year old chocolate pointing lab that has been top dog of this household forever. He is vary gentle and has never had any problems getting along with other dogs in the field or otherwise. But its time to start a pup so there is no time wasted in the field.
So my wife and kids decided to get a yellow lab for dad. We pick her up saturday.Just wondering what kind of problems I might have , if any!
Would like any help I could get!!

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ChocC. The best luck I have had is to make sure the introduction is in neutral territory and not at feeding time. Also do not do it alone. Have the older dog on the leash and also not confined. If the little squirt wants to nurse or love up on the old dog there should be an escape route for it. That helps a lot.

Have the second person be watchful of the pup. maybe introduce it held in a chair and let the old dog give it the once over before opening up the door and letting the young dog barrel in. You might get a growl out of the old dog when they have had enough and that is not bad as long as the pup responds to the warning. Also kennel train the pup immediately. This will give the old one a break. Feed the pup in the kennel right away too. This can help with the food fighting later.

When it comes to feeding, if you have a concern the old dog is too dominant then make the old one wait while the young one gets the food placed first. I have a chessie 4 now, and on old field trial V 14. I make the younger bigger dog wait and feed the old one first. The Chessie NEVER eats out of the old dog's bowl even if the old dog is not hungry and leaves it for a while. As the pup gets older if there is a problem with dominance the other way change it up. They will respect the pecking order YOU establish and that is the key to getting them to get along. Even if they never like each other as long as you are the top dog in the house your wishes should be respected, and you should enforce that they are.

Sound like fun.

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Thanks for the reply Swamp Scooter!
Today is the big day, The kids are driving me crazy, they just can't wait!
I'll post some pics when this is all said and done.
Have a good one!

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